Protection of Intellectual Property?
If you have an idea and want to take it from being just an idea to being something of use or value you need an Intellectual Property Lawyer. Intellectual Property law is one of the most challenging and confusing aspects of law and it requires a company with tremendous experience and a wide understanding of Intellectual Property Law to assist in cases where they are needed.
Strange as it may sound, many individuals and businesses are unaware of the intellectual property that they have created, or they often underestimate its value. Therefore, if certain steps are not taken to protect their intellectual property, such intellectual property cannot be exploited to its full commercial potential.
Therefore, the first step in protecting your intellectual property is to identify it. Although it may seem like an obvious process, it is most often not possible to identify the intellectual property of a business without involving specialized expertise.
InventHelp agency is specialized in assisting USA and international clients to identify, protect and exploit their patents, trademarks and registered designs in US and internationally as you can read from this InventHelp review. Should you wish to make use of their expertise, contact them.
What Intellectual Property is Worth
Now that you have registered your trademark or patent, which costs you precious time, money and effort, you might be wondering how much your trademark or patent is actually worth.
If you find the task of determining the value of real property as something difficult, you might find intellectual property (IP) valuation an impossible task. However, you might be forced to do this when the time requires. The big problem is – how are you going to do it? Well, you could always get help from professionals like Invent Help agency – more information about InventHelp.
Without an efficient market, where there are many buyers and sellers, as well as available information prices for technologies and trading, the real market worth of intellectual property might be difficult to ascertain. But there are several tools and valuation models you can use to determine it. The common models used include replacement cost, income approach and discounted cash flow.
Under the replacement value method, IP worth is determined by theoretically computing the cost that one will incur by replacing the property. This practice is very much the same as the development value method, which uses the cost of developing a certain technology as a basis. However, though the theory appears sound, the practice is not as effective.
Using the income approach, on the other hand, intellectual property is valued based on future cash flow, or on the income that will be derived from a particular piece of IP. These would include analysis of IP’s income from product sales or patent licensures, patent useful life, risk factors and discount rates.
When applying the discounted cash flow method, intellectual property value is determined by computing present IP-related cash flow value over the useful life of the asset. The benefit of using this method is that it provides the means of comparing values among different patents or trademarks.